Single Plate Animation
This is too cool for words. Now you can create a 7 frame animation loop on a single collodion wet plate.
Capturing Solar Spectra on Collodion Film
A description of how spectral response curves are generated for collodion films.
Varnishing Plates
The traditional method of finishing a plate is to varnish it after it's thoroughly dry. This is done by carefully pouring a sandarac varnish over the warmed plate and drying it over a lamp or heater.
Pouring Collodion
Pour the collodion slowly but steadily onto the center of the plate. As you pour the collodion, it will form a circular pool in the middle of the plate...
Preparing Tin for Collodion
Things to know when using pre-coated aluminum sheet for tintypes.
Specral Sensitivity of Collodion Film
The spectral sensitivity of collodion is markedly different than what the eye sees. Here are some comparisons.
Using Modified Sheet Film Holders
How to use a modified sheet film holder with wet plate collodion.
Collodion Exposure
How do the different colors of light interact with the iodides and bromides in collodion film?
Safety Data Sheets
Because the wet-plate lab deals with a wide variety of potentially hazardous materials, the first order of business is to learn about the materials, their hazards, and how to handle them safely.
Peeling & Lifting
The "usual suspect" for collodion that peels or lifts from the plate is a plate that has been inadequately cleaned.
Troubleshooting: Method Behind the Madness
For relatively simple problems, trouble shooting a process can often be done on the fly using a little common sense...
Using a Light Meter with Collodion Film
When we make the reasonable assumption that for daylight conditions, UV light intensity tracks uniformly with visible light intensity, we can use a light meter to help us estimate our exposure...
Understanding Light and Collodion Exposure
Understand how the quality of light changes throughout the day and seasons, and how best to manage these effects when making collodion exposures.
Mixing Ferrous Sulfate Developer
A step by step tutorial showing you how to mix ferrous sulfate developer for use with collodion photography.
Studio Lighting Comparision for WetPlate
A comparison of the spectral sensitivity of collodion film with several common light sources to determine their relative efficiencies.