Hand Pouring Developer

Hand Pouring Developer
Development can be done in a tray or by applying the developer directly to the hand held plate. Free sliver nitrate must be on the surface of the plate for an image to develop, thus it's important to flow the developer evenly over the surface of the plate from one side without causing turbulence that would wash the silver from the plate. Properly flowing developer onto a hand held plate takes a little practice, but it's a technique worth the effort because it allows you to observe the progress of development and to stop the development without delay.
Bring the newly exposed plate into the darkroom and remove it from the holder. Hold the plate with the collodion side up in one hand above an oversized tray (the tray is there to catch the spills). Position yourself so that you can see a glare from the safe light on the surface of the plate. This will help you determine how the developer flows onto the plate. In the other hand hold the small beaker of developer over the edge of the plate near the far corner. Tip the plate slightly away from the beaker so that the developer will flow across the plate in a smooth wave toward the hand holding the plate. Pour the developer by drawing the beaker along the side of the plate, continually pouring as you move the beaker. Tip the plate as necessary to keep the developer flowing evenly across the plate. When the plate is covered with developer, roll the plate so it's horizontal and continue moving the plate to agitate the developer. Watch for areas that the developer might miss (dry spots) and move the plate quickly as necessary to try and force the developer to cover these areas. Continue moving the plate, agitating the liquid on the surface until the image begins to form. When the image is properly formed (mid tones visible with shadow areas remaining clear) pour distilled water onto the plate to wash off the developer and excess silver. When the plate is thoroughly washed, the water will sheet smoothly off the surface. If the plate looks oily, continue washing. Once the developer is completely washed from the surface, the plate can be viewed in daylight. At this point, the plate is ready for fixing.