Plate Retrieval Tool

Plate Retrieval Tool

Okay, tell me you've never dropped a plate into your silver bath...

Okay, tell me you've never dropped a plate into your silver bath. If you haven't, count yourself lucky!

If you have, then you'll know how useful this little tool really is! Clean, simple, and easy to use. Just slide the tool down the inside wall of your dip tank, feel around a little for the top edge of your plate, then push down lightly to capture the plate. Raise the retrieval tool and the plate will follow! No need to fish around by hand or empty the tank and dump the plate out.

Works particularly well with tin. It also works with glass but stick to plates smaller than 8x10 - larger than that, the plates become a little too heavy.

Constructed entirely of stainless steel, it won't corrode or break. Overall length is 12 inches

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