Plate Holder, 8x10

Plate Holder, 8x10

A year and a half in the making, our 8x10 plate holder is was designed from scratch to hold a full 8x10 inch plate, glass or metal.

Now with an incredibly reliable (not to mention amazingly good looking!) carbon fiber darkslide, our 8x10 plate holder is designed to hold a full 8x10 inch plate, yet it still has the same external dimensions as a standard 8x10 sheet film holder.

This film holder features the already mentioned carbon fiber darkslide, hinged back door with plate retaining spring, dual low profile door locks, spring loaded mechanical light trap, corner supports for the plate, corrosion resistant construction, and anodized trim for added rigidity and support. It's even completely submersible (if and when you decide it's time for a really good cleaning)! Will hold glass or tin plates. If you're shooting 8x10, this is another "must have".

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